Plant Search: help locate field sites of co-occurring populations

Plant Search: help locate co-occurring populations

squarestem monkey flower

great blue lobelia

Dr. Randall Mitchell is looking for field sites with co-occurring populations of squarestem monkey flower, Mimulus ringens and great blue lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica. Both of these plants occur throughout the Midwest in or near wetlands, including floodplains and bottomland forests, swamps, seeps, soggy meadows, ditches, woodland borders, moist pasture areas ....

These plants are pollinated by native bumble bees. He is trying to see if:

  • the plants compete with one another for bee visitation; and
  • whether they affect each other's reproduction.
Ideal sites would have many (>100) individuals of each plant species interspersed, but he is interested in any site that has both of them. If you know of a place where they co-occur, Dr. Mitchell would love to hear about it!

Call Dr. Randall Mitchell at 330.972.5122, Department of Biology, University of Akron, Akron OH 44325-3908 or email Dr. Mitchell,

Thank you for your interest and help!!