Monarch Tagging at North Kingsville Sand Barrens

North Kingsville Sand Barrens
Monarch Tagging

Field Notes 23.ix.2017

Greetings Everyone,

The field trip observations Amy Goletz penned in her Monarch Tagging narrative regarding intent, possibilities, and seeing reminded me of one of my favorite passages:

“Happy is the man who finds his diversion in nature. No matter what misfortune may overtake him, he finds solace with the limitless variety of relationships with which he is surrounded and never lacks a compelling interest.”

Frank C. Pellet, Flowers of the Wild, 1931

Since its beginning, our society has been blessed with many dedicated individuals who have generously shared their knowledge, time, and insightful interpretations of nature with our members and guests through writings, leading programs and field trips, and through conversation at these outings. Later this month at our annual meeting dinner, the society is honored to present our Gentian Award to just such an individual who has devoted his life to guiding people of all ages in developing their own set of eyes for seeing the richness and intricacies of our natural world and their own path toward understanding and caring. Due to his compelling interest in our natural world, our members and all of nature’s creatures he has cared for over the years have been blessed for knowing him. I know I am.

Thank you Judy and Larry for nurturing our ability to see nature on this outing. Thank you Amy for writing this wonderful field trip narrative. In doing so, you have gifted those who were present an opportunity for reflection and others a way to imagine being there. Well done!!

Wishing one and all unending curiosity,

 Lisa K. Schlag
Treasurer and Webmaster
Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio